Complete Guide on Search Intent

A Complete Guide on Search Intent in SEO For Beginners

A Complete Guide on Search Intent in SEO For Beginners – The rationale or goal behind a user’s search query is referred to as search intent, a phrase used in SEO. Knowing search intent is crucial because it enables website owners and SEO specialists to produce content that satisfies users’ informational needs and fits their search terms. We will discuss the fundamentals of search intent in SEO and how it can be applied to raise the ranks of your website in this tutorial.

Describe Search Intent.

When entering a query into a search engine, a user’s search intent is their main purpose or objective. It can be divided into four basic groups: commercial inquiry, transactional, navigational, and informational.

Search intent definition

The Search Intent (in the masculine, because intent means intent , intention, and is masculine, ed) is the set of one or more reasons why a user does a search on Google. Search intent comes out in a more modern definition of SEO than the traditional one, which tended instead to see keywords as isolated elements to be optimized with keyword density and exact key link building.

Type of Search Intent

In fact, search intent can be exemplified through at least 4 basic classes (navigational, informational, commercial or transactional) combined with at least a fourth (the famous comparatives on which the various and company virtually “fight” to position themselves).

Informational Intent: When a user looks up specific information, such as the capital of France or how to make pasta.

Navigational intent: When a person has a specific website or web page in mind, such as Facebook or YouTube, they have navigational intent.

Transactional intent: When a user searches for a good or service with the intent to buy it, such as “buy running shoes” or “top online courses,” this is referred to as having a transactional intent.

Commercial Investigation Intent: When a user searches for “reviews of a product” or “top online courses for photography” before deciding whether to make a purchase.

A few examples will immediately clarify what I mean.

gmail, facebook, feisbuc, site region, …(query withnavigationalintent )

how to turn on iphone, kamasutra positions, …(query with informational intent )

plumber milan, refurbished ipads…(query with transactional or commercial intent )

best restaurants in central rome, …(query with comparative intent )

What I always say is, in other words: the first page is not everything . There are numerous cases of non-lasting placements that are badly exploited , and often the first is consequent to the second – the CTR is lowered, the evaluation parameters of the result worsen, the user experience worsens , in many cases the search intent is not satisfied .

What does “ do not satisfy the search intent ” mean in the end? It means that the user does not find what he was looking for , he finds information such as incomplete, misleading, incorrect, not very usable and/or not very understandable. This gives an idea of ​​how complex SEO is today: a site may need copywriting (incomplete or incorrect articles), technical maintenance (the site cannot be seen well on mobile and does not satisfy the search intent of mobile users) , and so on.

For a moment, therefore, let’s assume that you position yourself, and you position yourself well with keyword density and link building . But if you position yourself and don’t convert – or in any case you don’t finalize the goal other than, trivially, that of bringing traffic – you are still doing SEO in a revisable way – at best .

To better express what I mean here, I turn to a quick case study .

How Does Search Intent Affect SEO?

The most pertinent and helpful results are what search engines strive to give their users. Hence, comprehending search intent is important because it aids website owners and SEO specialists in producing material that is in line with what people are looking for.

Your rankings and traffic may be affected if you are attempting to rank for a specific term but your content does not adhere to the user’s search intent. When a user’s intent is not being met, search engines can tell, and they might not rank your content as highly as other pages that more closely match the user’s goal.

How Should We Optimize for Search Intent?

Understanding the purpose behind the user’s query and producing content that reflects it are necessary for optimising for search intent. Here are some pointers for improving for search intent:

Examine the top-ranking pages for your goal term in the SERPs and take note of the material that is displayed. You’ll get a sense of the content structure and format Google favours for that specific keyword from this.

Employ pertinent keywords: Ensure that the keywords in your article correspond to the user’s goal. To find the keywords that are most appropriate for your content, use programmes like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs.

Concentrate on providing high-quality content that adds value to the user. Your material must respond to the user’s query and fulfil their intent.

Analyze user activity on your website to acquire insights about the type of material they are looking for. This will enable you to develop material that is more relevant to their search intent.

Case study: OK SEO, but “dubious” finalized funnel

Let me take an example that has just happened under my eyes: a communication agency that has inserted, evidently after having positioned itself on Google, a call to action with anchor text with the exact key + a video presentation of its company.

All in a rather atypical context, that is, an article that talks about something completely different . If you have published an article that even appears in zero position for, take into account, ” haul the mainsail ” (it’s an example invented to hide the actual one), what I found was that the authors thought of inserting a paragraph with call to action to the services they offer on that site, which are however of a completely different nature .

Would you click on a banner that sells sailboats on a page that talks about auto parts?

Without quoting or inserting the screenshot in question (which I’m sure would only annoy those who did this “thing”, thus diluting the illustrative purpose of my article), the situation is like this:

  1. website in zero position for search how to haul the mainsail (invented example);
  2. content of the positioned page relevant (and quite a lot) to the query, but with the insertion of a paragraph in which a sort of self-promotion is done inserted into the content , which however has absolutely nothing to do with the search intent of which above. To clarify: if I’m looking for how to trim the mainsail, I mean a step-by-step procedure, a guide, certainly not the marketing of whoever wrote the article.

Many sites snub / don’t care about search intent

It seems to me that, net of the “good intentions” of the company in question (which are not discussed as such, obviously), there is a problem of missing placement of the search intent . Even assuming that this positioning remains first on Google, in fact – and I have very strong doubts about it, for what it’s worth –  most of the people who arrive on that page will look for a way to shit the rand, without taking care of that insert in the slightest .

As I said just now, in fact, the positioned article is an “ Aranzulla model ” tutorial, as many happen to see on the web, also written well and, naturally, credit to the credit for having it well positioned.

But here comes the slightly naughty question: what do they do with that traffic from search engines? Little or nothing, I’d say, given that whoever is looking for that topic – that nothing, I repeat, will have to do like this, right off the bat with a communication agency – and I doubt he can make a speech like

“wow, interesting, here’s a communication agency to entrust my startup to: now I’m contacting them, go.but wait, I’ll finish reading how to trim the mainsail first”.

The funnel is absolutely illogical, the user’s navigation flow is a disaster and it wouldn’t surprise me to see very high bounce rates in that site’s Google Analytics. All this to say that, sometimes, simply being shrewd or feeling shrewd is not enough, and that maybe we should think better even just at a marketing level.


Understanding search intent is important in SEO because it can help you develop content that better matches the user’s search query. You may increase your website’s ranks, attract more traffic, and give people with relevant content by optimising for search intent. Follow the advice in this tutorial to strengthen your SEO strategy and optimise your content for search intent.

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