Data Engineer

How to Become a Data Engineer in 2023 – Salary, Skills, and Required Majors

How to Become a Data Engineer in 2023 – Salary, Skills, and Required Majors – The development of technology and information creates system changes in the company’s operations. This also ultimately makes the business adapt to existing conditions, one of which is the use of data. The existence of data is becoming increasingly important because processed data can be transformed into information that provides insight to policy makers such as company managers and investors. 

The more developed a business, the greater the data generated. According to Seed Scientific, there are 44 zettabytes of data in the world in 2020 and it is predicted that it will grow to 175 zettabytes in 2025. This will ultimately make data processing software increasingly necessary for good data management. Thus, this profession is the answer to this problem which is capable of creating and managing software that can be used to transform data into useful information insights. 

This article will explain to you how this profession is increasingly needed by companies. Furthermore, this article will also provide you with more detailed information about data engineers such as the tasks performed, the skills required, and the salary generated.

If you have a great interest in data processing and want to develop a career as a data engineer, then this article is the right choice for you. Thus, read the following article carefully!

What is a Data Engineer?

A company that has a large data set makes the demand for data engineers increase. As the name implies, data refers to large data sets, while engineers or techniques refer to expertise in managing this data. As such, they have an important role in assisting data databases and building an architecture. 

A data engineer is someone who is responsible for building and designing systems that collect, store, and analyze data. The software will later be used by data analysts or data scientists for further analysis to produce certain information.

Thus, they are someone who has the skills to create algorithms that can process raw data and adapt it to company goals through creating data software.

For software makers, data engineers are required to have knowledge in designing SQL databases and understand various programming languages. Furthermore, other skills are also needed such as being able to communicate with various departments so that they can make a data arrangement that suits the needs of various departments in a company. 

Skills Required By A Data Engineer

As a data engineer, several skills are needed to support skills in processing data. These skills will make it easier for a data analyst to create a secure, scalable and reliable system to handle big data quickly and precisely. Thus, below we have summarized the various skills needed to become a reliable data analyst, namely as follows:

  • SQL (Structured Query Language)

SQL is a basic skill needed to enter this profession. Without understanding SQL, you will not be able to perform RDBMS ( Relational Database Management System ) management which functions to read data contained in the database, update database structures, delete structures that are no longer used in data, and so on. 

As the language used to create or process databases on a website. SQL is capable of being able to run a query and execute the required data. Furthermore, SQL can also manage tables, procedures, and other important things. 

  • Data Warehouses

A data warehouse is a system that combines data from multiple sources into a single data store. Furthermore, the data warehouse will also archive and analyze historical data to support the information needs of a business or organization.

Thus, having data warehouse skills will help to produce more accurate information with the data analysis carried out. Jobs related to data require skills in the data warehouse because it can assist in collecting unstructured data, gathering data from various sources, and making comparisons and assessing more efficient business operations. 

  • DataArchitect

A data architect is a system that designs, builds, deploys, and manages an organization’s data architecture. The data architect will ensure the company follows formal data standards and its data assets run according to the specified data architecture. Thus, a data architect will assist a company in translating business requirements into technology requirements and defining data standards and principles. 

  • coding

Coding or coding is an activity of making a programming language code on a computer so that it becomes a medium of communication between humans and computers. Through coding it will help integrate the database with various types of applications such as web, mobile, desktop, IoT , and so on.

Thus, you can learn the Python programming language and R will help in the operation of various data. Furthermore, you can also learn other programming languages ​​such as Java or C#. 

  • Apache Hadoop-Based Analytics

Apache Hadoop is a projection of open source software that can be used to efficiently process large datasets . Apache Hadoop can connect various computers to work together and connect to each other in their use.

Furthermore, this software is also capable of storing and processing large data in a distributed manner using models. Thus, Apache Hadoop is software that can assist in data processing, governance, security, access, and operations. 

  • Operating system

An operating system is software installed on a computer’s hard drive so that the hardware can communicate and work with the software. Thus, you can increase your operating system skills by mastering various operating systems such as Linux , UNIX, Solaris, and Windows. 

Read Also: How to Become an Artificial Intelligence Specialist

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Data Engineer Salary

With the increasing demand for data engineers, salary is something to consider. In 2020, data engineers were in the 8th highest-demand on LinkedIn app ( LinkedIn’s emerging job report ). Thus, the more the job of a data engineer is required, the more promising the salary offered will be.

According to IDstar, the salary of a data engineer with one to four years of experience is $1,24,383 per month. Meanwhile, a data engineer with five to nine years of experience has a salary of $176647 per month. Of course, this salary can adjust to the region, position and company conditions, but this salary can be a benchmark for those of you who want to become a data engineer .

If you plan to start a career in a global company, then you need to know the amount of salary offered by that company. A good salary is a salary that can meet your daily needs and additional needs. Thus, the following table will summarize the salary of a data engineer in a global company:

CompanyAverage annual salary
Capital One$124,905

Data Engineer Duties

A data engineer is someone who is responsible for managing and organizing data and at the same time pays attention to data trends that influence company goals. Basically, the data engineer’s duties are closely related to technical skills such as programming, mathematics, and computer science. Even so, basic soft skills are still needed, such as the ability to communicate, adapt, and collaborate. 

Thus, here we present to you the tasks that a data engineer performs:

  • Develop, construct, test, and maintain architecture
  • Adapt architecture to business goals
  • Doing development in the process of collecting data sets
  • Using programming languages ​​and supporting tools
  • Identify data that is efficient, effective, and can be an answer
  • Conduct research according to questions or problems faced by a company
  • Implement analytics, machine learning, and statistics programs
  • Ensure compliance with data governance and security policies

Course Majors for Data Engineers

Data engineer is a promising job with the salary offered. This of course also encourages higher relevance between the majors and the work of the data engineer itself. This is done because the company wants a data engineer who is truly professional in his field. 

If you have an interest in becoming a data engineer, then you need to master several technical skills such as programming languages, statistical methods, mathematics, and so on. Thus, majoring in computer science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, or other IT-related majors will help support a career as a data engineer.

As for adding value as a data engineer, you can also take part in training or a career bootcamp as a data engineer. Furthermore, you can also take part in other activities in an effort to get certified as a data engineer. 

If you don’t have a background in technology, this will of course complicate your career as a data engineer. However, if you are a graduate with no ties to data engineering, you can still consider taking a master’s program in data engineering or data science if possible.

With passion and a high willingness to learn, it is very possible to become a reliable data engineer even if you come from another major that is not closely related to data engineering. 


Data engineer is a job needed by various companies to create software that is able to manage data properly. This also makes the demand for this profession increase every year with a promising salary.

Furthermore, an application or website that has to manage a lot of data every day certainly requires an adequate cloud server. Bare Metal Server is a server that supports your application and website activities with very high server resource specifications and resources. Thus, you can manage quality software with qualified space. 

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