How to Create a Facebook Fan Page

How to Create a Facebook Fan Page for Business

How to Create a Facebook Fan Page for Business – When viewed in terms of understanding, Facebook fan page is a business account, which will later represent the organization or business. On the fan page page , later you will be able to use various interesting features.

One of the goals of using this fan page is to use social media more professionally, especially for business needs. This will clearly distinguish between using a Facebook fan page and using an ordinary account.

The use of this Facebook fan page itself can later be used to manage Instagram and the filters that you make on the platform. Another thing that also differentiates these two types of accounts is the friendship feature.

On the fanpage it’s no longer called Friends but Fans . The friendship system is also no longer Add as Friend as in a normal account but becomes Follow .

Another advantage is that you can share posts with all Facebook users by using the advertising feature. If not, you can also share these posts only with accounts that follow your business fan page account .

Benefits of Facebook Fan Pages 

Besides being easier to manage, using fan pages also has several other benefits.

One of them is professionalism, apart from that there are several other benefits that can be obtained from using fan pages , including:

1. Easier to be indexed by search engines

One of the reasons many people use fan pages on Facebook is because this way their business is indexed more easily by search engines. That means, the business they create will also be easier to find.

Related to this, the use of fan pages is indeed more friendly to SEO. That is also the reason why using a fan page can be a way to introduce your business more easily.

2. Finding the Right Target Market

One of Facebook’s strengths is being able to find lots of people with the same interests. Thanks to the large number of users, Facebook in general does have the ability to do this. That’s why Facebook can find the right market for your business.

It could be that the ad you created appears on the Facebook page of people who are interested in what you are selling. Apart from that, it is also possible that people who are looking for your selling products will get recommendations that are directed to your business fan page .

3. Place to Place a Good Ad

Thanks to the large number of potential customers on Facebook, it’s not wrong if this platform is a good place to advertise. So that the ads you make are right on target, using this fan page can help with that.

Later, you can choose whether the ad will appear to all Facebook users or only appear to potential customers. You can also choose what kind of customers you think are potential.

4. Credibility

From a business standpoint, having a page specifically discussing your product is important. One of the goals is to provide clear information to consumers and of course build trust.

This is also one of the benefits of using a Facebook fan page . After using this method, your business page will be easier to find. In addition, your business information will also be easier to find out.

5. Insights

Another important thing that you can also get when using a Facebook fan page is being able to get insight . In the world of digital marketing , insight is certainly an important thing. This is where you can see whether your business is running smoothly or not.

From looking at insights , you can understand what consumers really want. More importantly, you can also understand whether what you have done so far has received a positive response or not.

6. Massive Marketing

When you are going to do a campaign in a large enough quantity, then using a Facebook fan page can be the right choice. Thanks to the large number of users, the possibility of spreading the campaign that you create also increases.

7. No Limits

One of the problems when using regular Facebook is that you will run into a limit of 5000 friends. You can’t have more friends than that. You can overcome this problem when using a Facebook fan page .

There is no limit to the number of friends when you use the Facebook platform. This means that everyone who is interested in the products you sell can follow the fan page you created.

Read Also: How To Change Facebook Name Before 60 Days Limit (2023)

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How to Create a Facebook Fan Page 

After knowing the many benefits of using a fan page , maybe you are also interested in having this page. Here are the steps you need to create a fan page , including:

  • The first step is to make sure you already have a regular Facebook profile. Later, you can choose to create a new fan page or convert an old account into a fan page .
  • After that, to create a fan page on Facebook, you can access This is a special page for creating a fan page , then select “Create a New Page”.

(Private photo)

  • The next step is to enter basic information about your business. Starting from the page name, business category, and also a brief description of your business.

(Private photo)

  • After this step, actually your fan page has been created. But it will be more complete if you also add a photo and also a cover for your fan page . Then click “Save”.

(Private photo)

  • After this step, the fan page page is complete. All you have to do is enter other important information that you want to share. 

The ideal Facebook Fan Page Cover size 

One of the supporting factors when creating a Facebook fan page is the use of a profile photo and also a cover . Apart from being attractive, you also need to pay attention to the size of the photo. This is very important because it will affect the appearance of business identity in the eyes of Facebook users

Therefore, as much as possible make the photo size according to the available column width. A photo size that is too small will waste a lot of empty space , while if the photo size is too large, the image will also be cropped. 

So that your profile or cover photo is not cropped and can appear perfectly, the sizes that you can use are as follows:

  • For profile photos, you can use a size of 170 x 170 pixels
  • For the cover, you can use a size of 820 x 312 pixels

Both sizes will appear perfectly when opened via a PC or smartphone . Apart from that, you can also see a preview of it first in the right sidebar , before you save later .

Already Know About the Benefits of Facebook Fan Page?

After seeing the many benefits that you can get, you will increasingly realize that using a fan page is quite important. At least, this is an easy way to introduce your business to many people.

Knowing the number of users is very large, it is likely that your business will be known by the wider community. Apart from that, using a fan page also allows you to get lots of new customers according to the target market you are after.

Of course, you can get all these conveniences with the help of the Facebook fan page . Furthermore, the use of this fan page is also quite useful, especially for disseminating information related to the business that you are building. 

Apart from that, fan pages are also very effective in increasing the credibility of your own business. So, are you ready to make your business more famous?

If so, let’s create a Facebook  fan page  now!

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