How to Sell Photos As NFT on OpenSea

How to Sell Photos As NFT on OpenSea

How to Sell Photos As NFT on OpenSea – After succeeded in selling his selfies in the form of NFTs and reaping billions of rupiah in profits, many people looked for ways to sell photos in NFTs in the hope of getting similar benefits.

So, if you are one of them, don’t just sell photos! You also need to understand first what NFT is, what are its characteristics, and how to sell photos as NFT on OpenSea or other markets. To learn about it, see the following review in full.

What are NFTs?

According to the explanation contained in the book “NFT & Metaverse: Blockchain, Virtual World, & Regulation”, NFT stands for non-fungible tokens , which are digital assets on the blockchain network that have unique identification codes and metadata that differ from one NFT to another. ( one of the kind ). 

Apart from these explanations, there are many other explanations for NFT. One of them is the definition of NFT which refers to computerized assets that represent various types of goods, both tangible and intangible. However, you don’t necessarily consider all types of goods as NFT assets because one of the NFT characters is unique. 

Like assets in the investment world, NTF also has value through market mechanisms. Therefore, the price of NFTs is also influenced by the level of demand and supply. 

NFT itself has actually been around since 2012. However, at tha t time, not many people knew how it worked and the benefits that could be obtained from buying and selling these assets. The presence of this one asset only started to become popular after the existence of NFT Cryptopunks and the Crypto Kitties game, as well as the involvement of digital artists who also popularized it.

Characteristics of NFTs

As explained above, there are several characteristics that must be possessed by an item if it is to be used as an NFT. Some of these characteristics include the following.

1. Unique

Due to their unique nature, no NFT will be the same and each NFT token is unique. This uniqueness can also be recorded in the blockchain network so that no one can fake it.

2. Traceable

The source, ownership, and movement of NFTs can also be seen on the blockchain network system . It is this kind of transparency that makes NFTs trackable in real-time .

3. Can be authenticated

Because of the two characteristics described earlier, NFT also cannot be faked or replicated. This is because each token is backed by an immutable digital ledger and a decentralized network so that the token can be authenticated.

4. Adaptable

Another characteristic of NFTs is that they can adapt easily. These digital assets easily blend into digital ecosystems in the metaverse world that support the use and application of NFTs. That way, players can trade NFTs in various markets.

NFT mechanism

At first glance, it might be very strange if many people are willing to spend their funds just to buy assets that can actually be obtained easily, either by way of screenshots or downloads. 

However, this is where buyers can get the digital assets they love originally. So, what is traded here is not just works of art, but their originality. This is what makes NFTs popular with digital asset collectors.

Several types of NFTs that are commonly traded on OpenSea or other markets include artwork, GIFs, videos, virtual avatars, famous designer shoes, music, etc. Apart from that, you can sell anything that is valuable and unique in the form of NFTs. For example, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey managed to sell his first tweet as an NFT for over $2.9 million. 

Another uniqueness that NFTs have is that the owner or creator of assets can store specific information in their assets. For example, an artist could enter their signature into the NFT metadata.  

Thus, it can be concluded that NFTs are assets in the form of digital documents that can be traded just like art assets in the real world.

How to Sell Photos as NFT on OpenSea

OpenSea is a popular place to buy and sell NFT assets. This buying and selling platform is useful to make it easier for anyone who wants to buy or sell NFTs. So, if you are interested in selling photos in NFT form on OpenSea, do the following steps.

1. Register for OpenSea NFT

Before selling your photos, make sure you have registered with OpenSea in the following way.

  • Open the opensea.oi site via a browser, using either a PC or smartphone .
  • Register for an OpenSea account by pressing the wallet icon or profile photo icon.
  • Select the “Connect Wallet” menu, then select the digital wallet option that will be used.
  • Open the digital wallet extension used to be installed later .
  • After connecting with the digital wallet, select the “Account” menu and click “Profile” to set information related to the profile that you will use in OpenSea (starting from username, email, and other data needed).
  • After entering all the required information, click “Save” to save it.

After carrying out the steps above, OpenSea will immediately send a message via registered email. If you have received the email, don’t forget to verify via the email and automatically your OpenSea account can be used.

2. Create an NFT in OpenSea

After successfully creating an account, you can immediately create an NFT on the platform by following these steps.

  • Go to the OpenSea start page, then click “Create”
  • Enter the files (images, photos, videos, etc.) that you will make as an NFT
  • Enter the name of the NFT and make other important settings according to the instructions
  • When finished, click “Create”
  • Your NFT is ready to be sold

3. Sell NFTs on OpenSea

Next, then you can find out how to sell photos on NFT OpenSea by doing the following steps.

  • Open the “My Collection” menu by clicking the profile photo icon at the top right of the screen.
  • Select the NFT to be sold, then click the “Sell” button. 
  • Select the sales scheme to be used. For example, if you want to sell it directly, just press the “Fixed price” option and if you want to sell it with an auction scheme, select the “Time auction” option. 
  • Enter the NFT price with the desired Ethereum cryptocurrency.
  • Set the sales duration by clicking on the “Duration” column and clicking on “Complete listing”.

This is an explanation of what NFT is, what are its characteristics and mechanisms, and how to sell photos on NFT OpenSea that you can learn. It is important to know that before selling digital assets in the form of NFT, make sure you understand all the terms and how NFT works so you don’t suffer losses.

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